Sports Illustrated has put a plus-size model on its cover for the first time
Sports Illustrated magazine continues to fight numerous stereotypes
by showing that beauty can come in all shapes and sizes, as well
as ages. For the first time in the history of of men’s magazines,
a size-16 model, Ashley Graham, will appear on the cover of Sports
Illustrated. 56-year-old Nichola Griffin, who only started modelling
three years ago, and Philomena Kwao, an African American model, will
also adorn the pages of this special issue.
So, are we witnessing a revolution in the fashion industry? We here at Bright Side sure hope so!
So, are we witnessing a revolution in the fashion industry? We here at Bright Side sure hope so!

’’I think Sports Illustrated is taking
a risk by putting a girl of my size on the cover’, says Ashley Graham.
"But doing so, they aren’t just breaking barriers, they’re setting new

’’Now I am officially the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model! My dream has come true,’’ Ashley said via Instagram.

’’Young and skinny models are becoming
so commonplace today that we’ve decided to show that swimsuits can also
look great on those who are older and bigger’’, says the president
of Swimsuits for All, explaining the essence of the photo shoot.
Ashley has shared photos from a new shoot for Swimsuits For All on her Instagram page.

Philomena Kwao is another plus-size model who was invited to appear in the issue.

’’With this campaign, I want to help
women understand that they can look fantastic whatever their size and
however old they are. They all deserve to be happy, healthy and
shining’’, says Nicola Griffin.
Preview photo credit: Sports Illustrated
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